1. raining straight after i got out of my house..cannot drive fast to school..X( wiper need to turn fast and eyes have to open big till almost drop out..
2. weather is damm cold till now i having a flu..house dustbin now all filled with rolled tissue papers..
3. study 5 hours non-stop at tarc..si beh sien...
feel: -sleepy
-buttock pain =.="
4. 3.30pm just ate my 1st meal:"wan-tan" mee..but already been digested after 1 hour later when in gym class..
5. get hit by my sissy friend without knowing what is happening..and kena scold "si ugly"..my pure, innocent and crystal heart broken..sob..
6. after 7.30pm still need to bring my family out for dinner..almost 12 hours, i just got into my house bathroom to have a bath..
hye...jia lat...
cz i capture it when driving just now after the gym class..
*high skill to do this act, children below 18 should not follow this.. lol.. =.="
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